Friday, April 17, 2009

I had myself a bit of fun last night. Although the Sentinels are starting to think that I'm a sadist. I'm not . . . usually. Sometimes I wonder about myself though. It is a rather interesting mental exercise to draw out their deepest, darkest sexual fantasies then let them think I made them come true. Sometimes, even being able to read people's minds doesn't help me understand them any better. At least none of the ones I've messed around with show any inclination of seeking me out. Maybe it was that subtle warning I put into each of their pseudo-experiences.

Theirrian wasn't very happy when he found out what I was doing to them, but morale hasn't suffered any. We discussed things over tea on his veranda this morning. I am continually surprised at how different he is from my expectations of him. Below is a transcript of our conversation I had recorded.

"You look beautiful this morning."

Theirrian smirked. "That is my line."

"Mmm, maybe so but you do look nice."

"I'm hung over Sarin."

"So, bleary eyed and sleepy suits you."

"I really won't ever understand you will I."

"Probably not." I sipped my tea, smiling at him over the rim of the cup. "There is only one person who can."

"I know, I know you don't have to remind me. I'm still a bit confused about the whole thing personally. I mean who knew Zaryfa could predict something like that."

"Ah, she didn't so much predict as guess. She's different about those types of things."

"So are you going to go through with it?" He sat back looking at me and I found I couldn't hold that intense blue gaze.

"I have to don't I."

Friday, April 10, 2009


Today I finally met Therrian. He's a lot different than I'd expected from the holovids. He looks almost exactly like his father, which is to be expected since he was engineered that way. He's my height, which is over two meters and blonde with the bluest eyes I've ever seen on a man. The thing that really struck me is that he actually touched me. It's so rare than anyone touches empaths, maybe it's becuase he isn't one. He had to know that by touching me, he basically let me have free access to everything he was feeling at that moment. Which was a lot to say the least. It really surprised me. I wonder if he did it on purpose.

At least they didn't just clone Drake. It's nice that Therrian is his own person, even if he doesn't seem to have Drake's business acumen. He's extremely smart though and fun to talk to. We ended up talking for several hours over lunch. Other than Yuoli it was the first time I've not felt like I had to keep my guard up the whole time. We made plans to go to dinner in Jyroca tomorrow evening. I'm actually rather excited about it. Which I shouldn't be. I just have so many things to ask him about. Things that I would never be able to find out otherwise.

I have to go find something to wear.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Days and Days

It has been almost two months. Things have been very hectic and I've been doing good to actually make it to my bed before I fall asleep. Qadira is working hard to make sure all of us are here. It's odd to see all the heads of the respective clans here on Belarus. Every one has their own agenda as to why they are here. The last ones to arrive will be Xervia and Acide, both are days away on the other side of the galaxy attending to business. I have never met Acide and am anxious to see what she is like.

I've been keeping my distance from him. He seems rather leery of everyone. I don't know if it is because of his injuries or something else. It's difficult for me to have to be a totally different person around everyone. Sometimes I feel like I'm slipping into my roll a little too easily. Especially since Qadira seems to enjoy making me punish Sentinels for the slightest infraction.

I was able to find a hidden file in one of the backup storage servers that is all about him. It is really quite amazing that he is even alive. I'll go into more detail at a later time. I have to go now. She's calling me on the vidcom. Hopefully, I will get some more time to myself in the future, but we will see.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Day ?

Things have not been going well. I was nearly discovered by Qadira and now I have to work doubly hard to convince her that I am loyal to her. How could I have been so stupid?

He is doing better. He's already back to training which is a vast improvement from three nights ago. I seriously wanted to kill her and it nearly gave me away. I am going to have to make sure I have complete and utter control if I am to complete this assignment.

I hope to have better news in a few days.